The world’s first initiative! Cluster, Inc. partners with Okayama University Hospital and uses the Metaverse to alleviate loneliness for rare cancer patients


“I saw a room full of stars!!!” says one of the patients.

TOKYO-Cluster, Inc., the largest metaverse platform in Japan with over 35 million participants, collaborated with Associate Professor Hasei from the Department of Medical Information and Supporting Technology Development, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dental and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Department of Orthopedics) to realize a virtual space that helps alleviate the feeling of loneliness among patients.

This initiative is a collaboration between Cluster, Inc. and Associate Professor Hasei and marks the world’s first use of the metaverse in alleviating loneliness for rare cancer patients, specifically pediatric and adolescent young adults (AYA).

This announcement is officially valid in the original source language. Translations are provided as a reading aid only and should be compared with the source-language text, which alone has legal validity.





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