The seventh edition of the El Gouna Film Festival opens with a spectacular ceremony, showcasing Arab cinema on the world stage

El Gouna Film Festival

EL GOUNA, Egypt – The long-awaited seventh edition of the El Gouna Film Festival, which celebrates the diversity of voices in the world of cinema, opened yesterday. One of the Middle East’s leading film events, the festival, which runs until November 1, aims to foster cross-cultural connections and deepen international appreciation of Arab cinema.

The red carpet was dazzling with international talent, including Kevin Dias, known for his role in the popular Netflix series  Emily in Paris, Swedish actress Alicia Agneson, famous for her performance in the acclaimed historical drama  Vikings and Italian actress Antonella Salvucci is known for her roles in several Italian films and television series.

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Reem Zaki

Miguel Borges

Miguel Borges

About Author (916) 821-0016

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