Rossi Lopez presents his new single “I will live”

Rossi Lopez

Rossi López , known as “La Dama del Sabor” , releases her first cover after an exhaustive study of several musical themes. The talented singer has made the right decision to choose the iconic song “Yo Viviré” by Gloria Gaynor, taking it to the salsa genre with new arrangements adapted to the new generation of salsa fans.

“Yo Viviré” marks a milestone as it is the first time that this song has been translated into Spanish in the salsa genre. Originally performed in English and Spanish on soul records, Rossi López now delights us with a tasty and catchy version of this emblematic song.

Rossi López has lived a personal story very similar to the one told in “Yo Viviré.” The song stands out for its powerful message about the importance of loving oneself and not depending on the approval or presence of others to find happiness and satisfaction in life.

The single “Yo Viviré” will be available in all digital stores starting September 13, 2024. Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy this new and vibrant version of a timeless classic.



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