Richard Saoco releases his new single “Nuestro Barrio” produced by Porfi Baloa

Richard Saoco

The young Venezuelan Richard Saoco , originally from Guarenas, Miranda, continues to seek his space in the salsa scene with songs of his own authorship. His most recent release, “Nuestro Barrio” , is a very salsa song with a unique and original flavor, written by Richard Saoco himself.

With this number, Richard Saoco continues to make his way in the difficult field of salsa, with the collaboration of one of the best musicians in the country, Porfi Baloa, who served as general producer of the song. In addition, the late maestro Héctor “Chispa” Hurtado, who was the arranger of the number, also left his mark on this production. May God have him in his glory.

The single “Nuestro Barrio” is submitted to the consideration of both national and international listeners. For Richard Saoco, the word “neighborhood” has a deep and respectful meaning. Raised in a very humble popular sector, he fondly remembers his childhood and adolescence, and tells it in this song.

The lyrics of “Nuestro Barrio” evoke memories of people having fun on street corners, friends playing bottle caps, marbles and flying kites. It also recalls the guaguancós in the streets, where the older people played percussion instruments improvised with empty paint cans and broomsticks, creating a party.

Richard Saoco gets emotional when talking about this song, as it brings back many beautiful memories, customs and traditions. His message is clear: never feel ashamed of coming from a barrio.




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