Manuela Arango Londoño, the young promise of singing and modeling in Colombia

Manuela Arango Londoño

Manuela Arango Londoño, a talented 10-year-old girl born in Medellín, Colombia, is emerging as one of the brightest singers and modelers looking to conquer the Latin American stage. She has captured the public’s attention with her melodious voice and stage presence.

Since she was 5 years old, Manuela has been developing her passion for the romantic pop genre, and currently she performs various musical genres with ease and composes her own songs.

In addition to her role as a singer, Manuela has discovered a love for modeling, an art that she has perfected over the last two years at a specialized academy. Currently, she is participating in a beauty pageant, demonstrating her elegance, charisma and discipline at her young age.

Manuela aspires to go far in the artistic field and wants to be known in many corners of Latin America. Her goal is to share her talent and passion with audiences throughout the region.

Miguel Borges

Miguel Borges

About Author (916) 821-0016

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