Jai Ramos releases his new single “Trulla Navideña”


San Antonio, TX. – Jai Ramos is pleased to announce the release of his new single titled “Trulla Navideña .” This song, a composition by maestro Eduardo Zayas, captures the cultural essence of the Caribbean countries during the Christmas season, offering his followers a song that promises to become a holiday classic.

“Trulla Navideña” is a vibrant celebration of Christmas, which mentions a cultural image characteristic of Caribbean countries. The trulla is one of the most anticipated events during the Christmas season when families gather to share moments of music and dance. In this particular piece, composer Eduardo Zayas uses the Décimas format to refer to these events, enriching them with a deep and emotional message.

Maestro Manny Trinidad has masterfully arranged the song to highlight the meaning of the lyrics. With his extensive knowledge of typical and tropical music, Manny has harmonized both genres, achieving a unique and unparalleled touch that turns this song into a majestic piece.

“Trulla Navideña” was produced by Eric Maldonado, who brought his experience and dedication to ensure that each element of the song resonates with authenticity and quality.

About Jai Ramos:

Jai Ramos is an emerging artist with a great talent for tropical music. His dedication to music and his commitment to his fans are reflected in every note and word of his songs. With “Trulla Navideña,” Jai once again demonstrates his talent for capturing the essence of special moments and turning them into music.

“Trulla Navideña” is available on all digital music platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube. Everyone is invited to celebrate and enjoy this exciting new song.

Christmas Trulla (Radio Version): 

Christmas Truck (Extended Version): 

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