“Gentlemen, bolero is alive and kicking,” says El Canario after winning the Latin Grammy

El Canario winning the Latin Grammy

Dominican singer José Alberto El Canario, one of the essential voices of Latin music, expressed his “enormous joy” on Thursday after winning the Latin Grammy for Best Traditional Tropical Album with “Rodando por el mundo.”

“Gentlemen, the bolero is alive and kicking. The bolero is eternal. Thank you to all who participated in this album and thank you to Cuban music for allowing me the pleasure of performing these immortal songs,” said the musician after the ceremony, held in Miami.

Download video of his remarks at the awards ceremony.

Musicians and big stars of diverse nationalities participated in “Rolling Around the World” (Los Canarios Music, 2023): Jorge Celedón (Colombia); Alexander Abreu, Alejandro Almenares, Azabache de Cuba, Los Guanches, Magic Sax Quartet and Pablo Milanés (Cuba); Charlie Aponte, Gilberto Santa Rosa and Víctor Manuelle (Puerto Rico); Milly Quezada and Sergio Vargas (Dominican Republic), among others.

Alden González and José Raposo, two of the album’s producers, said that “the award recognizes quality music of all times and collaboration between artists of different styles and geographies, but united by their love for Caribbean culture.”

“Rolling Around the World” was recorded in studios around the world, from Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Miami, New York, New Jersey, Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico, Bogotá, Mexico City and Madrid.

Miguel Borges

Miguel Borges

About Author (916) 821-0016

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