Fort McMurray School Strike to Expand on Tuesday

Canadian Union of Public Employees

FORT MCMURRAY, Alberta-Striking school support workers at Fort McMurray Public and Catholic school districts will expand their job action starting Tuesday.

“We understand the impact this will have on students, especially special needs students”

The strike which began November 13, 2024, has up until now been rotating job action. As of Tuesday morning, all members of CUPE Locals 2545 and 2559 will be on strike and the strike will continue until a contract is settled.

CUPE Alberta President Rory Gill said the expansion of the job action is due to the fact the provincial government has not acted to address the poor wages of school support workers. The average school support worker in Alberta earns just $34,500.

“The wages of these workers haven’t improved in over a decade,” said Gill. “They need a substantial increase to make up the ground lost to inflation.”

Gill warned that if the Alberta government doesn’t act soon, other workers at other school districts will follow soon.

The Fort McMurray locals want to give notice to parents and students who will be impacted by the escalated job action. Efforts were made to push the job action past the holidays.

“We understand the impact this will have on students, especially special needs students,” said Gill. “However, students are being negatively affected by high turnover of staff. A good education requires well paid, satisfied support staff.”

Media Event:
Tuesday, January 7, 2025, between 9 am -11 am
Strikers will picket the Catholic Division Office – 9809 Main Street, Fort McMurray, AB

:clc/cope 491


Lou Arab, Communications Representative
780.271.2722 (

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