Fonon Corporation Quartz Laser Welding Benefits Glass Manufacturers

Fonon Corporation

ORLANDO, Fla.-Fonon Corporation’s patented quartz laser welding technology (QLWT) allows operators to weld monolithic quartz glass effectively. Using this cutting-edge technology, it is possible to form welds with minimum stress in a weld zone, with none of the deformation normally present in such a process. The result is greater strength in welds created during manufacturing and fabrication.

Quartz glass structures are often used in applications where a wide transparency range and superior light transmittance are required. Examples include lighting systems and refractory components such as prisms, lenses, beam splitters, polarizers, windows, optical telescopes, mirrors and other devices. Traditional methods used during the welding of quartz glass structures can sometimes cause component distortion that makes the produced part fall short of the required performance parameters.

Fonon Corp’s technology reduces damage during production, leading to a better-finished product and fewer product failures in the field. Delivering greater speed, strength and quality than alternative methods while reducing manufacturing waste allows business owners to save time and cut costs. These benefits are the reason the technology continues to increase in popularity in the flat panel display, optical device, refractory material, semiconductor, electronics and aerospace industries. For more information about Fonon Corporation’s transformational quartz laser welding technology, please visit


Fonon Corporation



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