Everspin Announces Contract to Provide MRAM Technology for Strategic Radiation Hardened FPGA


This contract is part of the third tranche of the $5.26 Million Strategic Radiation Hardened Contract awarded to QuickLogic

CHANDLER, Ariz.-Everspin Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: MRAM), the world’s leading developer and manufacturer of Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory (MRAM) persistent memory solutions, today announced a new strategic contract with QuickLogic Corporation (NASDAQ: QUIK).

“This project builds upon over 12 years of Everspin’s experience in delivering MRAM IP for strategic radiation hardened and space applications.”

“Everspin is pleased to continue its collaboration with its partners QuickLogic and Honeywell to integrate MRAM directly into the FPGA product to support the DoD,” said Sanjeev Aggarwal, President Technologies and CEO of Everspin Technologies. “This project builds upon over 12 years of Everspin’s experience in delivering MRAM IP for strategic radiation hardened and space applications.”

Under the contract, Everspin will provide its innovative AgILYST MRAM technology, logic design, and back end of line manufacturing services to advance the development and demonstration of a Strategic Radiation Hardened (SRH) high-reliability Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology. This initiative supports both current and future Department of Defense (DoD) strategic and space system requirements. The contract with Everspin Technologies is valued at approximately $1.8 million.

About Everspin Technologies

Everspin Technologies, Inc., is the world’s leading provider of Magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM). Everspin MRAM delivers the industry’s most robust, highest-performance, non-volatile memory for Industrial IoT, Data Centers, and other mission-critical applications where data persistence is paramount. Headquartered in Chandler, Arizona, Everspin provides commercially available MRAM solutions to a large and diverse customer base. For more information, visit


Agency Contact:
Stephanie Quinn
T: 480-316-8370



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