Dream Finders Homes Releases 2023 Annual Shareholder Letter

Dream Finders Homes Inc

JACKSONVILLE, Fla.-Dream Finders Homes, Inc. (the “Company” or “DFH”) (NYSE: DFH), announced today the release of its 2023 Annual Shareholder Letter authored by Founder, CEO, and Chairman of Dream Finders Homes, Patrick Zalupski. To view the letter, please visit investors.dreamfindershomes.com.

About Dream Finders Homes, Inc.

Dream Finders Homes (NYSE: DFH) is a homebuilder based in Jacksonville, Florida. Dream Finders Homes builds single-family homes throughout the Southeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Midwest, including Florida, Texas, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Colorado, and the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, which comprises Northern Virginia and Maryland. Through its wholly owned subsidiaries, DFH also provides mortgage financing and title services to homebuyers. Dream Finders Homes achieves its industry-leading growth and returns by maintaining an asset-light homebuilding model. For more information, please visit www.dreamfindershomes.com.


Investor Contact: investors@dreamfindershomes.com
Media Contactmediainquiries@dreamfindershomes.com

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