Creating a state-of-the-art synthetic biology lab: Asymchem’s self-developed STAR system enables protein design


MORRISVILLE, N.C.-Asymchem (Stock Code: 002821.SZ/6821.HK), a leading international contract development and manufacturing (DMO) company, has created an artificial intelligence (AI) platform to address key protein design problems, called STAR (Sequence Recommendation via Artificial Intelligence), developed by Asymchem’s Center of Synthetic Biology Technology (CSBT) and its AI team. The team published a paper titled “ STAR: A Web Server for Assisting Directed Protein Evolution with Machine Learning ” in ACS Omega , which illustrates the system’s ability to integrate various machine learning models and sequence-tagging methods.

One of the major problems in protein engineering is the number of mutations that need to be generated and screened.

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Jake Knorr
Senior Director of Marketing

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