Chungbuk National University in South Korea introduces first quantum computer, IQM Spark

IQM Quantum Computers
  • The first full-stack quantum computer has been installed on the Chungbuk National University campus.
  • Chungbuk National University will use this system to advance quantum research and education programs.
  • IQM plans to deliver and install the system in the first quarter of 2025. This is the first installation of an IQM quantum computer in South Korea and the second in the Asia-Pacific region.

CHEONGJU, South Korea-Chungbuk National University (CBNU) has announced the purchase of CBNU’s first quantum computer from IQM Quantum Computers (IQM), a global leader in the design, building, and sales of superconducting quantum computers. The purchase is intended to advance quantum research and education programs and prepare students for quantum talent.

“Our system provides Chungbuk National University with flexibility and control while also providing students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the field of quantum computing.”

his is the first commercial quantum computer to be installed through a formal procurement process by the South Korean government, and its recent adoption marks a significant milestone.

CBNU’s Chungbuk Quantum Research Center (CBQRC), established with the support of the Chungcheongbuk-do provincial government, is playing a key role in facilitating this effort. “We hope that the introduction of this quantum computer will be a catalyst for accelerating the exchange and industrialization of quantum technology between Finland and Korea,” said Professor Ki-Woong Kim, Director of the CBQRC.

The five-qubit full-stack quantum computer, IQM Spark, is expected to begin installation in the first quarter of 2025. Today’s announcement reflects Chungbuk National University and IQM’s shared commitment to supporting the South Korean government’s efforts to advance education and training in the quantum field.

The quantum computer being deployed at Chungbuk National University campus is part of IQM’s global fleet of computers, which can be accessed via the cloud or on-site and are available to customers in the United States, France, Germany, Finland and elsewhere.

“The installation of the first on-site quantum computer in Korea and the second in the Asia-Pacific region is a major achievement for us and one that will benefit Chungbuk National University,” said Professor Mikko Välimäki, Co-CEO of IQM Quantum Computers. “Our system provides flexibility and control to Chungbuk National University while providing students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the field of quantum computing.” 

About IQM Quantum Computers

IQM is a global leader in designing, building and selling superconducting quantum computers. The company offers on-premise, full-stack quantum computers as well as a cloud platform to access IQM’s computers from anywhere in the world. The company’s customers include major high-performance computing centers, research institutes, universities and corporations, who have full access to IQM’s software and hardware. IQM has over 280 employees and offices in Espoo, Madrid, Munich, Paris, Palo Alto, Singapore and Warsaw.

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