Celeste releases “Second Hand”, a visual metaphor of self-esteem and transformation


Miami, September 12, 2024

Singer Celeste Sanazi released the video for her single “Segunda Mano,” set in a second-hand store to convey a powerful message about self-esteem and personal improvement.

In the video, he uses the figure of a frozen mannequin to symbolize the feeling of being trapped in situations where people settle for less than they deserve, such as used objects that lose their original shine.

The video, directed by a creative team that plays with metaphors, tells a story in which the character hardens and turns off parts of himself to fit into an environment that no longer supports him. As the mannequin realizes his true worth, the character breaks with imposed expectations and patterns, leaving behind what no longer serves him.

Celeste shared that the inspiration for the concept of “Segunda Mano” comes from a personal experience when she was studying musical comedy.

“I realized how often we accept less than we deserve, and that was a source of inspiration for this video,” she said. The song not only addresses love, but also conformism in different areas of life, such as work or society.

The video is full of visual details and deep symbolism, from labels with hidden messages to a bat that represents the freedom to break established boundaries.

“The idea was to give things a new meaning. ‘Segunda Mano’ talks about not discovering one’s true potential and settling, but at the same time, it invites us to reflect on our power of choice,” he added.

The video shoot was also full of adrenaline and fun. Celeste shared how the scenes where they had to break objects, like plates, kept the team on edge, but also excited by the liberating energy of the moment.

With “Segunda Mano,” Celeste Sanazi continues to build a musical universe where each release becomes a unique experience for her fans, who have already shown their support and admiration. The singer hopes that her audience can appreciate the details, respect and effort behind each scene.

This new release promises to touch deep chords and capture the attention of those who see themselves reflected in the characters and the carefully designed aesthetics of the video.



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