Alex Ponce, el fenómeno musical de Ecuador que llegó a través de TikTok

Alex Ponce

Alex Ponce received several “no”s in 2020, while the pandemic disrupted the lives of millions of people and forced them to become (even more) digital. In his native Cuenca (Ecuador) there were no studios to record, another obstacle for his budding career. But the light broke through the wall and talent overcame the difficulties to turn Alex Ponce into the greatest musical phenomenon in Ecuador.

“My manager Woody sent my material to several people, because he saw the potential, but the responses were negative. He had to buy me microphones and instruments in Chicago to set up a studio. That’s how we started,” says Alex.

Ganó un concurso al video con más likes y comentarios. Su debut en redes se saldó con aproximadamente 20 mil comentarios

“While the producers were finishing the music, I had the idea of ​​uploading the music to TikTok in 2021. Since I studied Marketing, I knew how to handle statistics. I gained 100 thousand followers immediately,” the artist adds.

Luego llegó el millón de streams en un mes y el salto a la radio en Ecuador por la puerta grande, con el tercer hit más escuchado.

After presenting the song “Plan”, León Leiden invited them to sing together. From that moment on they tried it out in Mexico, and it turned out that people knew the song and it worked perfectly.

Alex Ponce has just toured Mexico and Ecuador. Lasso heard “Ve y diles,” one of the viral songs on TikTok, and they started talking. A week later, the remix was ready. The list of collaborations with other stars began to grow. In Ecuador, he will open Juanes’ shows, and before that he did the same at two of Camilo’s concerts.

Es el primer artista ecuatoriano que entra en los Billboard Charts, en el puesto 17, junto a Karol G. y Feid. También llegó a los charts virales de Spotify. Su álbum debut, “Ser Humano”, ya sobrepasa los 140 millones de streams, y su número total de seguidores en redes alcanza los cuatro millones y medio. El nuevo álbum, próximo a salir, se divide en tres partes: Ruido, Silencio y El ruido, el silencio y yo.

La historia personal de Alex Ponce no es el resultado de un golpe de suerte en redes sociales, sino de la pasión y el esfuerzo desde los 14 años, cuando empezó a incursionar en la música. Aficionado a la guitarra, el ukelele, y el bajo, era un adolescente muy tímido y disciplinado. Hoy se desenvuelve con total soltura como el artista ecuatoriano más famoso de las Américas.


Miguel Borges

Miguel Borges

About Author

miguel@dprimeramano.org (916) 821-0016

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