Alejandro Chabán’s company, Yes You Can!, launches a program to eradicate overweight with the telemedicine platform

Alejandro Chabán's company

The emergence of GLP-1 weight loss drugs, including Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro, has meant a scientific revolution, but also a challenge in their application.

Precisely, thinking about how to administer a comprehensive program under the supervision of doctors, Alejandro Chabán, founder and leader of Yes You Can!, presented Yes You Can! Medical™️ to eradicate overweight safely and with professional advice.

“This is a new subline of products that use science to support health goals such as weight loss, hormonal disorders in men and women, hair growth and sexual health. In addition, a wide range of conditions will have personalized medical support from doctors and pharmacies directly on all phones for the first time,” explained Chabán.

GLP-1 drugs mimic a hormone that regulates appetite, slows digestion and helps you lose weight safely and effectively under medical supervision.

Yes You Can! Medical™️ will guarantee the support of a medical team, in addition to the support of the Yes You Can! (YYC!) range of natural supplements designed to complement treatments and ensure a long-lasting and sustainable transformation.

Yes You Can! has been around for thirteen years, making it the leading nutritional supplement brand in the Latino community in the United States.

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