ADVISORY: Job Action to Begin Tomorrow at Edmonton and Area Schools

Canadian Union of Public Employees

EDMONTON, Alberta-Canadian Union of Public Employees:


CUPE 3550 President Mandy Lamoureux will be available on the picket line at Ross Shepard School tomorrow at 7:15 am. She will make a statement and take media questions.

Job action will begin tomorrow as staff at Edmonton Public Schools and Sturgeon Public Schools will commence a strike.

CUPE Locals 3550 and 4625 announced the picket line locations:

Picket lines will go up at 7:30 am MST.

Local 3550 (Edmonton Public) locations:

Ross Shepard High School
13546 111 Ave NW

M. E. LaZerte High School
6804 144 Ave NW

Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack High School
2410 17 St NW

Local 4625 (Sturgeon Public) locations

All schools.


CUPE 3550 President Mandy Lamoureux will be available on the picket line at Ross Shepard School at 7:15 am tomorrow. She will make a statement and take media questions.

:clc/cope 491


Lou Arab, Communications Representative | 780.271.2722

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