Intelsat to broadcast Paris Olympics in Brazil with new terrestrial IP service


MCLEAN, Va.- Intelsat , operator of one of the world’s largest integrated satellite and terrestrial networks , has successfully delivered its innovative bi-continental IntelsatOne IP hybrid service, seamlessly delivering live video content from the Paris Olympic Games in Brazil.

“Broadcasters and programmers are looking for reliable, cost-effective alternatives to deliver and distribute video, including popular and high-value content such as the Summer Olympics, regionally and globally,” said Pascal Fromont, Intelsat vice president and general manager of media. “When deployed in 2023, IntelsatOne IP is uniquely designed to increase the reach and flexibility of the Intelsat Global Hybrid Media Network, giving customers more options for video distribution and delivery, as well as backup and disaster recovery systems.”

Intelsat demonstrated IntelsatOne IP as a disaster recovery service during the two-week Paris Olympics. To transmit live video to Brazilian broadcasters, Intelsat delivered a secure, reliable transport stream to an IntelsatOne IP point of presence (PoP) in Paris. From there, the video was sent over the IntelsatOne IP terrestrial network to Intelsat’s Rio de Janeiro PoP, where it was distributed to the local production network. The customer reported lower latency and greater efficiency compared to content transmitted over the public internet.

Fully integrated into Intelsat’s hybrid terrestrial-satellite infrastructure, IntelsatOne IP provides a new global IP software video management layer over the existing terrestrial fiber network, providing media customers with more connectivity options for content delivery. The versatility of IntelsatOne IP not only allows customers to deliver content over hybrid terrestrial-satellite connections, but also provides backup and disaster recovery systems.

For more information about IntelsatOne IP, click here .

About Intelsat

Intelsat’s global team of experts is focused on providing seamless and secure satellite-based communications to government, NGO and commercial customers through our next-generation worldwide network and managed services. Operating the world’s largest and most advanced satellite constellation and connectivity infrastructure, Intelsat bridges the digital divide, enabling people and their tools to speak across oceans, see across continents and listen through the skies to communicate, cooperate and coexist. Since our founding 60 years ago, we have been “first in the door” of the satellite industry in several services to our customers and to Earth. Building on our tradition of innovation and focused on tackling a new generation of challenges, Intelsat team members now aspire to be “the next first” in space, disrupting the field and leading the digital transformation of the industry.

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Melissa Longo – ; +1 240-308-1881



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