Acosta Dance Foundation announces programs and scholarships for emerging choreographers

Acosta Dance Foundation

The organization is seeking digital dance innovators and artistic activists who are open to experimentation, said executive director Javier Torres.

Miami, September 9, 2024

Acosta Dance Foundation (ADF), the organization chaired by award-winning dancer and director Carlos Acosta, announced this Monday in Miami the call for scholarships and residencies for 2025 to support emerging choreographers from anywhere in the world in their creative process.

Firstly, the Carlos Acosta Choreographic Fellowship (CACF) is an empowering award that will offer professional choreographers and artists a stipend of up to £15,000 to forge new paths, develop innovative tools and cultivate systems that transform them into dance creators and innovators.

“We strongly believe in fostering interconnected artistic communities to create meaningful impact and drive substantial system-wide change through the power of dance,” said Javier Torres, Executive Director of Acosta Dance Foundation (ADF) and Acosta Dance Centre (ADC).

Candidates will be selected through an inclusive and transparent three-round peer review process, ensuring equal consideration for all eligible applications.

The Carlos Acosta International Fellowship, launched for the first time in 2023 with lead support from the Acosta Dance Foundation, Acosta Advanced Training Hub and Acosta Danza Centre, selects an emerging artist or choreographer to create a new piece.

“As a program dedicated to the choreographic development of ballet, the scholarship reinforces the core mission of creating a dancer in every home by prioritizing the generation of new works from new voices,” Torres added.

ADF and ADC have also launched residencies to support artists in the research, development and creation of new digital works. Also open to participants from around the world, the residency will focus on the opportunities that digital dance can offer.

“Our goal is to foster a mutually supportive relationship between artists and the ADF and ADC, encouraging creativity in all areas of interest, particularly those of underrepresented and vulnerable communities,” Torres explained.

The Acosta Dance Centre, located at Woolwich Works in London, is a space where creations can connect with national and international audiences. It is chaired by Carlos Acosta, former principal dancer of the National Ballet of Cuba and the Royal Ballet of London and who currently directs the Birmingham Royal Ballet.

“We want to promote works that challenge the status quo, engage with bold ideas and respond to community interests. That’s why we seek forward-thinking creators – choreographers, digital dance innovators and artistic activists – who are open to experimenting with technologies and formats to push the boundaries of dance,” added Torres, former principal dancer with the National Ballet of Cuba and the Northern Ballet of England.


Contact for interviews:

Javier Torres, Executive Director



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