Habeatat Publishing: Innovating the Future of Latin American Hip Hop


Miami, FL. — Habeatat Publishing, an innovative music publishing company, has been launched to represent the most prominent Latin American rap and trap artists. Led by the talented Solo Soul, who is also a producer and singer, Habeatat Publishing is committed to projecting and representing its talents in multiple markets, ensuring fair and timely compensation for the artists’ work.

Among the names that are part of this promising publishing house are Horus, Letra, Liana Malva, DJ Figu, Lil Enyel, Diego Jara, Hoomis and Los Hermanos Química . These artists, recognized for their impact on the music scene, now have the support of Habeatat Publishing to take their music to new horizons.

Habeatat Publishing is a sister company of Habeatat Music, a Latin American urban music production company that develops unique and innovative events such as Habeatlidades and Raplonesto. Habeatat Publishing is headquartered in Miami, Florida, from where it coordinates its operations to maximize the reach and profits of its artists.

In addition to Solo Soul, the company has the collaboration of Andrés Figueredo Thomson, filmmaker, and Rainer Lorenzo, who contribute their experience and vision to strengthen the publisher’s mission.

The company focuses on promoting the talent it represents, creating new ways to bring music to fans, and capturing all the benefits that musicians are entitled to, including royalty collection and music catalog management.



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