Jeudy Arango projects tourism worldwide 

Jeudy Arango

Jeudy Arango, creator of the project “In tourism with Jeudy Arango”, has become one of the main tourism influencers in Venezuela, with the aim of promoting tourism in her country and projecting it internationally.

With more than 100,000 followers on social media, Jeudy has managed to capture the essence of the most prominent destinations in Venezuela and the world, sharing his experiences and adventures with his community.

“My project was born during the pandemic, when I wanted to show people that there was hope and beauty in our country,” says Jeudy. “Now, I want to inspire adventurers to discover new places and enjoy life to the fullest.”

Jeudy has collaborated with brands and tourist destinations such as Aldea Valle Encantado, Posada La Ramireña, Corporación de Turismo en YARACUY, Lindt Home of Chocolate which is one of the most recognized brands in Switzerland, among others. She has also had the opportunity to travel around Argentina and Europe, visiting more than 9 countries and experiencing different cultures and activities.

“My content aims to inspire people to choose their next destination and enjoy their holidays with family or friends,” says Jeudy. “I want to convey the passion for tourism, adventure, and show that it is possible to travel and enjoy life without limits.”

Jeudy has received recognition and nominations, including being nominated for the Icono Awards as a tourism content creator. She has also been recognized by media outlets for her work and high-quality content.

With a passion for discovering new destinations and sharing his experiences with his community, Jeudy plans to take a grand tour for the rest of 2024, in his beloved country of Venezuela; hand in hand with his friends and tourism collaborators in Cabo San Román, Salinas de Cumaragua, Playa de Mata Gorda, a majestic tourist hacienda with a recreational event for all of Venezuela, Colonial Town of Coro and the tour of the Coro dunes. Among other important destinations in the Venezuelan land.

“Tourism is evolving thanks to technological advances and socio-economic changes,” says Jeudy. “It is important to adapt and innovate in order to offer unique and attractive experiences to tourists.”

Currently working with the company Colombia Music Inc., an international projection in all his works and documentaries to show the diversity of culture and developments in his beloved country Venezuela.

For more information, you can follow Jeudy Arango on his social networks



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