Dale Pututi, the Latin artist who came to Hollywood with a song in “Bad Boys”, releases an album

Dale Pututi

The performer, producer and composer brings together Gente de Zona, Dahian El Apechao and Iam Chino, among other important collaborations.

Miami, August 26, 2024

Renowned and multi-award-winning Latin artist Dale Pututi, who came to Hollywood with a song in the film “Bad Boys,” released this Friday “Mambo,” the first single from his album “Ocean.”

“This album means so much more than just a collection of songs; it is a reflection of a very special time in my life. With the arrival of my first child, Ocean, and the birth of my first album, I feel like I am sharing a very intimate part of myself with the world,” said Dale Pututi.

The album features collaborations from Gente de Zona, Iam Chino, Dahian El Apechao, El Niño y la Verdad, Nesty, Alexander El Monarca, Un Titico, Wow Popi, Chris Tamayo, L Kimii, Lucho, Clown by Law, El Carli and Wampi.

“Everything has been created with the heart, surrounded by people I admire and respect. I hope to contribute something valuable to Cuban music and the urban genre, and connect with my audience in a meaningful way, to bring joy to their homes. I feel blessed and excited about what is happening and what is coming,” added the artist.

“Ocean” opens a new stage in his career as a singer, after the success of “Epicentro”, his first album as a producer.

“Each collaboration brings a different energy and a unique essence to the album. If I had to highlight something, it would be the excitement of seeing how each one has contributed to creating such a diverse and complete project. Each artist has brought the best of themselves,” she said.

Dale Pututi is one of the most talented producers and composers in the Latin music industry.

Nominated for a Latin Grammy in 2022, in the Best Urban Song category for “Muchacha”, he is in charge of the new sound of Gente de Zona, who perform the song with Becky G. He also worked as a composer on some of the songs on the album “Como anillo al dedo”, by Aymée Nuviola, winner of a Latin Grammy in the Best Tropical Fusion Album category.

Also with Gente de Zona (Album “Otra cosa”) he was certified by the RIAA with Gold and Platinum for sales in the United States. And with Gente de Zona and Becky G (“Muchacha”) he was certified by the RIAA with Gold and Platinum.



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