PICUS places “Morro dolido” among the top three global trends on YouTube

Morro dolido

Only surpassed by Rosalía and the duet between Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars.

Miami, August 23, 2024

Mexican youth group PICUS climbed to the top of YouTube’s list by taking third place among the most trending new releases with the song “Morro dolido,” alongside MC Davo, behind only Rosalía and the duet between Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars.

“Morro dolido” was released five days ago and has already surpassed one million views on the social network. In Mexico it is ranked second, in Argentina sixth and in Colombia third.

“It is a mix of urban rap, reggaeton and corrido, which describes what one of us is experiencing for the first time. A breakup with a person we loved very much and that we know will not be easy to get over. We wanted to share it with our fans, because we know that, regardless of age, we all go through a similar situation,” said PICUS.

When MC Davo, a Mexican rapper with ten years of experience, heard the song, he liked it and joined the collaboration.

“Davo is an artist we admire a lot and it was a great surprise that we were able to sing the song for the first time at the Palacio de los Deportes,” they added.

PICUS is currently preparing for the second leg of the “Evolution Tour,” a tour produced by Loud And Live Entertainment, with performances in four cities in the United States: Miami, El Paso, Houston and Los Angeles.

“Evolution Tour” moved the Mexican public in the dozens of concerts that the group gave in their native country. Their successes keep them at the top of the youth music scene in Mexico, consolidating themselves as a band full of quality and inventiveness.

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