16 Black Classicists: Lecture, Exhibit and Reception

The historic exhibit 16 Black Classicists Blazing a Trail in Academics will be on display in the University Union Gallery at Sacramento State from January 21 to February 13, 2025. Created by classical scholar Michele Valerie Ronnick, this exhibition highlights African-American scholars who overcame tremendous obstacles after the Civil War to teach Greek and Latin at colleges and universities, paving the way for future generations of scholars.

Among the featured luminaries are William Sanders Scarborough, the first Black member of the Modern Language Association, and Lewis Baxter Moore, the first African-American to earn a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. Their groundbreaking work in philology continues to inspire students of language and literature today.

The exhibit includes a lecture and opening reception on January 30 from 5 pm- 8 pm and concludes with a panel discussion and reception on February 13 from 5 pm- 8 pm. The exhibit, lecture, panel discussion and receptions are free and open to the public.

For more info, please visit theuniversityunion.com/gallery or call the Union Info Desk at (916) 278-6997.

Phone: (916) 278-6997
Email: uniongallery@unionwellinc.org
Website: https://www.theuniversityunion.com/gallery
Jan 30, 2025 at 5:00pm – 8:00pm (Thu)
* Event durations (if noted) are approximate. Please check with the presenting organization or venue to confirm start times and duration.

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